July 20, 2019 Screen time | screens in school | classroom management | digital citizenship | mental health | sleep | digital learning | Duty of Care | play | wellbeing
The case against a blanket phone ban

Calls for banning smartphones in schools are being heard right around the world, following the recent lead of France and Albania. But what's the case for the other side?

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | distraction | BYOD
"You can't stop students using the powerful computers in their pockets"

"You can't stop students using the powerful computers in their pockets," notes the director of IT at England’s prestigious Queen Elizabeth School.

July 20, 2019 phone ban | Screen time | screens in school | classroom management | digital citizenship | distraction | smartphone | digital learning | Duty of Care
Classroom technology: What do students think?

Is technology in the classroom mostly a benefit to learning, or mostly a barrier? Educators have been debating the question for at least a decade. Yet the voices of the ultimate “end-users” - aka students - need to be included in the ...

July 20, 2019 Screen time | school performance | academic achievement | Gaming | Excessive Device Usage | Education | wellbeing
Impact of TV and gaming on student performance

Research published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics found that excessive TV viewing and gaming were the two screen-time activities most closely associated with lower grades for both primary and secondary ...

July 20, 2019 Parental Controls | Monkey | video chat | Social Media
Monkey see, Monkey DON'T

A new video chat app invites kids to send 15-second videos to strangers. What could possibly go wrong?

July 20, 2019 screens in school | classroom management | digital learning | EdTech
Screens in schools: Asking the right questions


July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | distraction | BYOD
Educating children on responsible internet use vs banning mobile phones from school - have you done your research?

The Internet is a part of our everyday lives, not just for mum and dad, but increasingly for children of all ages, too.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Duty of Care | cyberbullying
Can your school be sued over online bullying?

A growing body of research has established that bullying can create long-term catastrophic effects, both psychologically and physically. The link between bullying at school and depression in later life is especially alarming.

July 20, 2019 screens in school | classroom management | digital learning | EdTech
Screens in schools: The good news

Australian schools have leapt feet first into the age of digital learning. Our classrooms hold the world’s record for the highest daily usage of the internet, and virtually every Australian student uses a computer at school.

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