Australian classrooms hold the world’s record for the highest daily usage of the internet, and virtually every Australian student uses a computer at school, according to an OECD report. Yet our results in reading, maths and science have ...
The Internet is a part of our everyday lives, not just for mum and dad, but increasingly for children of all ages, too.
A growing body of research has established that bullying can create long-term catastrophic effects, both psychologically and physically. The link between bullying at school and depression in later life is especially alarming.
Australian schools have leapt feet first into the age of digital learning. Our classrooms hold the world’s record for the highest daily usage of the internet, and virtually every Australian student uses a computer at school.
The Christchurch massacre livestream was like “watching a video game,” according to many viewers. And not just any video game: the massively popular survival-based sensation Fortnite.
Results from the latest national assessment round of ICT skills (information and communication technology) show that being a whiz on SnapChat and Instagram won’t prepare today’s students to face a digital future.
Psssst - catch! That was the old-school way of passing notes in class. Today’s students have far subtler means at their disposal: from iMessage to SnapChat to Skype to name-your-social-media-platform chat function. But the latest and best ...
By now you’ve probably heard a lot about the Momo Challenge, a deadly online game that’s been scaring the daylights out of students - and parents - around the world. The object? To drive players to self-harm or suicide with the threat of ...
Cyber safety is simple, according to online safety specialist John Parsons. It's not really about technology at all; it's about student wellbeing.