December 8, 2022
Tuesday, 7th February 2023, is Safer Internet Day, an excellent opportunity for your school to educate, inspire and empower your students to be ethical and knowledgeable digital citizens. Check out these simple ways your school can get involved.
Safer Internet Day (SID) is a global event that brings together communities, families, schools and organisations from more than 200 countries to help create safer online spaces. The day calls upon all stakeholders to join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially for children and young people.
Promoting Positive Digital Behaviour
See our in-depth guide for more info on fostering positive digital behaviours and engaging your whole school community in online safety these holidays.
In Australia, the day is organised by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner, and their theme for 2023 is "Connect, Reflect, Protect".
In New Zealand, the day is organised by Netsafe, and their theme is "Every Space a Safe Space".
With SID so early in the school year, finding the time and space to plan your school's involvement can be challenging. To make things easy for you, our online safety education partners, ySafe, have detailed 5 simple ways for your school to get involved in Safer Internet Day 2023.
A School’s Guide to Promoting Positive Digital Behaviours During the Holidays
An in-depth guide for schools on promoting positive digital behaviours and engaging your whole school community in online safety these holidays.
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Tuesday, 7th February 2023, is Safer Internet Day, an excellent opportunity for your school to educate, inspire and empower your students ...
Based on your location, we think you may prefer the New Zealand website.