July 20, 2019 Screen time | screens in school | cheating | classroom management | distraction | smartphone | digital learning
When "smart" devices become cheating devices

Increasing numbers of secondary students are using their smartphones to cheat on schoolwork. Exactly what are they doing, and what can be done to stop it?

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | fights | video recording | school administrator | Social Media
Students filming fights: How should schools respond?

When it comes to students filming fights on or off-campus, the result can be a knockout punch for community wellbeing.

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | classroom management | distraction | BYOD
College tackles bullying beyond the school gate

Adding to the 600 schools that Family Zone Education Solutions currently has, a recent article published in The Educator Online covered the roll-out in Coomera Anglican College on The Gold Coast in Queensland. Coomera Anglican College will ...

July 20, 2019 Screen time | screens in school | classroom management | digital citizenship | smartphones | digital learning | Duty of Care
Do Australian schools need to ban phones?

Some 90 percent of Australian students admit to using devices in class, and research shows kids get better marks in personal-tech-free zones. So should schools ban phones outright?

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | digital citizenship | smartphone
Beyond cyber safety

Digital citizenship starts with safety - but it doesn’t end there.

July 20, 2019 teens on social media | digital parenting | John Parsons | New Zealand
How to keep kids safe online - tips from leading cyber-security expert John Parsons

Communication sits at the heart of society, and digital communications technology (DCT) has had rapid uptake. Our kids are connected and can communicate at an unprecendented scale. Smartphones are ubiquitous, an increasing number of ...

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Fortnite | online gaming | krunker | primary school
'Krunker' has landed. How will your school defend itself?

Move over Fortnite. There’s a new free-for-all game that’s blowing up in schools and homes all over Australia. Think Call of Duty-style first-person shooter with a Roblox-like aesthetic that anybody can play free in their browser, on ...

July 20, 2019 Cyber Safety | Cyber Experts | Mobile Apps | screens in school | sexting | online pornography | sexual assault
Child-on-child sexual assault rising in schools

Child-on-child sexual assaults are on the rise “across all education sectors and demographics” in what experts are saying are copycat attacks - as kids re-enact the pornography they’ve viewed online.

July 20, 2019 Screen time | screens in school | Fortnite | vpn | machine learning | Social Media
Fortnite and VPNs: Weapons of mass distraction

Fortnite is the most popular game on the planet right now - and it’s reportedly fuelling a massive spike in VPN use by students around the globe.

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